Professional Education Foundation Scholarship

The professional education foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 2009, with the sole aim is to financial support brilliant and underprivileged students for professional education across the country. Professional education foundation scholarship is announced each year for Bachelor students of PEF registered universities, for Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, Business Administration and Management, and IT degrees programs.

Professional Education Foundation give Scholarship and Financial Assistance to the students on Need cum Merit Base each year. Students getting admission on open merit in the Universities on Board with PEF can apply for PEF Scholarship. The Scholarship will be directly given to universities, and students can receive their Scholarship from their Students finance and affair office of their respective university.

There are two types of financial supports available.

Zakat (Charity Donation)

In this scheme, the students will be selected in Need-Based Scholarship and their financial expenses will be covered from Charity Donation (Zakat). The students will be received Scholarships for 4 or 5 years (Degree completion).

Interest-Free Loan (Qarz-e-Hasna)

In this Scheme, the PEF will provide you an interest-Free loan equal to your education yearly expenses, once you received the loan you will be repaying Rs. 500 per month to PEF.

Eligibility Criteria  for PEF Scholarship 2022

  • To ensure transparency, the scholarship funding is disbursed directly to the universities, rather than the students. It is to make sure the funds are used for the right purpose.
  • Students who consider themselves eligible for PEF’s scholarship program can apply in three easy steps:
  • The applicant should be able to get admission in any of the universities which are on PEF’s Board, on his/her own merit.
  • Guardian/Parent’s income certificate, University/College I.D. and Two Recent Photographs to the Student Affairs Department of the Concerned University. To know which universities are on PEF’s Board, please go to Universities on Board section.
  • The Applicant should clearly be able to prove the inability to sponsor pay their cost of professional education.
  • Students selected availing any others scholarship are not eligible to apply for this Scholarship.

How to apply for Professional Education Foundation-PEF Scholarship 2022

All eligible Candidates can apply for PEF Scholarship.

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