Write a wining purpose of statement-SOP

What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

A Statement of Purpose (SOP), also known as a research statement or a letter of intent, is written to the admission panel and talks about your career path, interests, professional contributions, goals and the driving force behind pursuing a particular programme. This is usually submitted in the form of an essay; however, certain universities may also keep it question-based. It is the most important component of your application since it determines whether or not you will be admitted to your selected college.

Why is the Statement of Purpose important?

Your application’s decision maker is the Statement of Purpose (SOP). It aids the admissions committee in determining your outlook on life, career objectives, beliefs, subject knowledge, and vision. In summary, a well-written SOP gives institutions a picture of your whole personality. It’s your chance to tell the committee why you’re the best candidate for the job and why they should pick you above the others. When you have a weak academic profile, an excellent SOP can help you compensate by outlining your future aims and desires. A well-written SOP also demonstrates how well you can communicate yourself through writing.

What makes a good Statement of Purpose?

When drafting your SOP, keep the following three essential phases in mind.


  1. Make a detailed plan.


Make a plan for your SOP and work according to it. A smart method to start your introduction is to share an incident that piqued your interest in your subject. Make a list of your relevant accomplishments and expertise, as well as your motivation for enrolling in the course and attending the institution.

  1. Continue working on the draft


Concentrate on communicating what you’ve learned and learned during your schooling and work experience. When drafting your SOP, avoid using technical words and write in active voice. If there is a gap year or an academic problem, approach it with optimism. Make sure your SOP has a defined beginning and ending. Always remember to write your SOP in reverse chronological order.


  1. Take a look at it before you submit it.


It’s vital to double-check your work. Re-analyzing will assist in the correction of the flow, vocabulary, sentence construction problems, lengthy sentences, and many grammar faults. Get a second view from someone you trust, such as a professor, a senior, or an IDP counsellor. Before submitting, make sure you proofread well and double-check your work.

Important Tips for a Successful SOP

  1. What the admissions committee will look for in the fine print: self-motivation, competency, and graduate student potential.
  2. Avoid using creative fonts or colored papers
  3. Write in an active, not a passive voice, and emphasize everything in a favorable light.
  4. Do not lie in your Statement of Purpose, dishonesty may lead to rejection.
  5. Beware with humor, it can backfire
  6. Lead by example; rather than stating that you are a persistent person, demonstrate it.
  7. If something significant occurred in your life that had an impact on your grades, such as poverty, sickness, or excessive labor, mention it. Write it affirmatively, demonstrating your ability to persevere in the face of adversity. In your personal statement, you can go into further detail.
  8. Make certain that everything is connected and focused.
  9. Don’t write that the institution was not your first choice.
  10. Minute professional details. Talk about learning experiences, not about water cooler talks.
  11. Do not exceed the given word limit.
  12. Be crisp, do not flatter in your language.
  13. Avoid too many technical terms.



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